Monday was a holiday in Japan so we took the chance and went to
Atsuta Shrine. Getting there was more difficult than I thought but fortunately Joey, Tobi and Thuy can find their way in the maze of trains and subways just fine so I just followed them. I was afraid it would be rainy and windy as the horrible typhoon in the night, but it turned out to be a very sunny day. We stopped in Sakae to eat in a noodle bar. I took these normal noodles with some pork. OM NOM NOM oh good it was and filling!
After an hour or so we found ourselves from Jingu-mae station and noticed the shrine was right next to it. As it was my first time I saw a shrine in live, I was amazed. The area was big and had many little buildings inside it. The trees were big and had thick branches. People could buy some wishing plates from the shrine
mikos, write their wishes down and hang it next to the main building (somebody wished for a girl friend, aww). There was a lot of crows around and in a little bond was some huuuge kois. We walked around in the area quite a while so I was glad there was a toilet. There are toilets everywhere and they're usually very clean. The best thing is FREE ENTRANCE so you don't need to suffer if you don't have any coins like in Finland.
As we went back we stopped at this little book store on the way. The owner was really chatty and kind and gave us candy *q*
Part of the shrine. Everything was absolutely clean, no trash anywhere. |
Crowwws. |
Plates for wishing and little origamis. |
In the evening we cooked together again. Also tasted my first
natto! It wasn't so bad. It's just not edible. The other exchange students really can cook. I feel a bit helpless without an oven.
Today we had a meeting in NZU where we decided about our schedules and courses of the exchange period. Me and Joey share all courses which is nice. The first class was of graphic design and we went to the classroom and got our own seats from the back. The other students were really friendly and lively and even tho I didn't get much of the details the teacher was saying, I got the big picture. I can even say I learnt something! We're going to take photographs and lay out our own little photography book! So we went to the library to find some books about photographs we like and in the next class we're going to show them to the rest of the class.
So this was on the wall. I like it, especially Captains hair. |
When I go to buy food I have no idea what I'm going to walk out with. Finally yesterday I got my first
dangos ever, they were gooooood. I've also been eating a lot of
dangooo dangoo I was happyyy happyy |
Mofu mofu.
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(・`д´・ 。) ガンバレ!!
Stalkkaan sua kiltisti. ∑d(◐д◑´,,)ок★